Contact us
Usi questo modulo per contattarci, per inviarci un commento, un suggerimento o una richiesta.
ILUSS - Italian Language Update School Service
Via Boccaccio 44 B - 50133 Firenze - Italia
Tel : +39 055 578620 Mobil. +39 328 3913210
Orario dalle 9 a.m. alle 6 p.m (GMT+1) da Lunedì a Venerdì
General information and member assistance
ILUSS - Italian Language Update School Service è stato registrato presso il Tribunale di Firenze Atti civili - il 9 dicembre 1998 n° 4580
ILUSS is based in Italy, and operates under the jurisdiction of Italian law. Our services are provided according to the Nonprofit Associations Act, and comply with Italian and European consumer protection legislation./ILUSS - Italian Language Update School Service was registered at the Court of Florence Civil documents - 9 December 1998 n° 4580
ILUSS is based in Italy, and operates under the jurisdiction of Italian law. Our services are provided according to the Nonprofit Associations Act, and comply with Italian and European consumer protection legislation.